Introduction to UFS Beginners
This short on-line course is for anyone who will be using the Cambridge University Financial System (CUFS) for the first time. Completion is a pre-requisite for delegates attending subsequent courses that specialise in certain parts of the system.
The on-line course is a mixture of reading, interactive demonstrations, mini tasks and a final task to consolidate and confirm your understanding.
During the on-line course you will:
- Be given an overview of the whole financial system
- Gain confidence in manoeuvring around the screens within certain parts of the system
- Discover helpful features and short cuts within the screens
- Develop a basic appreciation of the University's account code structure
- Become aware of the possible sources of further help
It is essential that the course is completed at least one week prior to the next finance course you wish to attend.
New users of CUFS
Demonstrations, Practicals
Oliver Harper - Finance Trainer
Margaret Peck - Finance Training Assistant
Shirley Bidgood - Finance Training Secretar
Booking / availability