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Self-taught course

Provided by: University Computing Service


This course is self taught (Materials may be loaned out).

Bookings cannot be made on this course (Course is not taking bookings).

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ECDL 4.5 Module 1 - Concepts of Information Technology (Win) (workbook)


In Module 1 the candidate will learn about some of the main concepts of IT at a general level. The candidate will learn about the general make-up of a personal computer in terms of hardware and software and about some of the concepts of Information Technology (IT) such as data storage and memory. The candidate will also learn some basic troubleshooting concepts and techniques and how to identify the setup and components of their computer. The candidate will gain an appreciation of health and safety issues as well as some of the environmental factors involved in using computers. The candidate will also learn about some of the important security and legal issues associated with using computers.

  • Chapter 1: General Concepts
  • Chapter 2: Hardware
  • Chapter 3: Basic System Maintenance
  • Chapter 4: System Interrogation
  • Chapter 5: The Use Of IT In Everyday Life
  • Chapter 6: Health and Safety and the Environment
  • Chapter 7: Security
  • Chapter 8: Copyright And The Law

There are no prerequisites for this module. It is suitable for complete beginners to computing.

Topics covered
  • Enunciate the general concepts of computing such as information technology, hardware, software, types of computers and the like.
  • Explain the various hardware components of the computer
  • Perform basic system maintenance on your computer
  • Identify where and how you can interrogate your computer system
  • Identify where information technology is used in everyday life
  • Appreciate health and safety as well as environmental factors involved in using computers
  • Identify the areas in computing that need to be secure and protected.
  • Understand how coypright and data protection applies to information technology

The course is a Watsonia document to read, there are no practical exercises.

System requirements

The course is a general introduction to computing, the material uses Windows illustrations for certain topics.


13 hours.

Basic Skills

Booking / availability

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