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Self-taught course

Provided by: University Computing Service


This course is self taught (Materials may be loaned out).

Bookings cannot be made on this course (Course is not taking bookings).

Booking / availability

Acrobat 5 (CD)


This VTC Training CD can be used under Windows or on the Macintosh.

Topics covered

Getting Started; Interface; Making PDF Files; Distiller; Tools; Bookmarks Thumbnails; Comments; adding navigation features; Forms; Web Capture; Security; More Features (Javascript; Accessibility Checker; Reflow and Reorder Tool; Web links; Build Index; Se arch Index; Destinations; PDF Consultant; Soft Proof Colors; Running a Batch Process; Create Batch Sequence.

System requirements

It is necessary to have QuickTime 4 or 5 installed (if necessary this can be installed from CD). A sound card is also necessary.


Booking / availability

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